What is Link Building?

linkOn this website you will find a lot of information about link building, but what exactly is link building? We will try to briefly explain this to you here. Link building is the strategic acquisition of links to one’s own site from different link sources with the aim of making one’s own site score higher in the search engines on certain keywords. By making smart use of anchor texts (these are the link texts that can usually be given when creating a link) and placing the links on relevant sites, one can ensure that the site will rise on the keywords that we provide in the anchor texts. In addition, the site will often increase on related keywords, both long tail and short tail keywords, ie keyword combinations consisting of 1 or more keywords.

Link Value Determine

Of course, one link is not the other and a qualitative link plays much more link valueby then a link of lesser quality. In addition, it is important that there is a natural balance in the link profile of the site. The influx of the number of links must show a natural growth course. Also geography, so in which countries the websites are where the links are placed and the type of link plays a role in determining a natural link profile. For example, if the site only has social bookmarking links, this is suspicious and an indication that the links have been created to influence the search results and that has a negative effect on the results. Get the best results with monthly link building with varied links in the form of a link wheel (see image below).

link building sources

Linkbuilding Uitbesteden

Linkbuilding Expert is de Linkbuilding Specialist bij uitstek om uw linkbuilding aan uit te besteden. Wij helpen u bij het opbouwen van een natuurlijk linkprofiel dat voor blijvende resultaten zorgt. Lees vooral verder op ons blog om meer te weten te komen over onze werkwijze, prijzen en resultaten. U kunt ook meteen vrijblijvend een offerte en informatie aanvragen. Het verplicht u tot niets en met ons advies bent u gelijk een stuk wijzer.

Meer informatie over Linkbuilding

You can find more information about link building on Wikipedia . If you would like to learn more about how you can get started with link building yourself, you can take a look at our workshop page which explains how we provide training and workshops so that you can also call yourself a link building expert.

What is Link Building?
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